mini-interview with psychic slime! -- magenta


PSYCHIC SLIME- on THE LIFE OF A PSYCHIC SLIME, making music, watching tv, crushing out unique styles, interacting with life on earth, and we touch generally on being a staple of the scene for his time as the head of classic underground label SICKMODE.

I set out to interview psychic slime live, and first sent over a set of questions, and after getting the information back, began to find myself trailed by shadowy men, who eventually cornered me, and instructed that the interview was gonna have to wait.

but that's ok because the anwsers i got back were extremely good.

i'm notsleeping: psychic slime is psyslime:

<the message goes as follows>

notsleeping: hi there this is magenta skull, i have questions for you
notsleeping: so where does PSYCHIC SLIME call home?

psyslime: physically, right now im in southern missouri.
mentally im always in outer space.

notsleeping: so how long have you been making music?

psyslime: on and off for about 22 years now, but ive had several dormant years in there
maybe call it a solid 15.

notsleeping: you released music before, in fact you released a LOT of music before. do you wanna shout out any of your monikers here for the readers?

psyslime: sure, my solo projects over the years have been : turb0slut, shelter dog, deathbomb, brandy alexander, and now Psychic Slime.
psyslime: collaborative projects : Celebrity dead, customer, coke sparrow, sega death

notsleeping: where would you say your sound comes from? what are your influences?

psyslime: old digital hardcore, industrial, rap, punk rock.


notsleeping: what was the government lab like that you broke out of? was it heavily guarded or was it more of like, a just wait for everyone to clock out type of thing?

psyslime: it was the same lab that let Captain tripps out and killed the whole world, so they have a pedigree for making giant mistakes.

notsleeping: how are you taking to this new non-illicit life? how hard are struggles for the slime these days? less agents on your trail?

psyslime: who said im non illicit? where you getting this info from????
psyslime: im pretty struggle free these days, at least in terms of the grind.
psyslime: the only agent i want on my trail is Dana Scully.

notsleeping: whats your favorite type of music that people probably wouldn't think you vibe on?

psyslime: i love some 60s hippie shit, 70s italo disco and synth scores, 80s new wave and pop. i like old dub records, house music, indie rock.


notsleeping: i know you're a self-described tv "fan", but what are some of the entertaining things youve been into lately that you've been digging NON-SHOW. i ask you this because i want to know, but also because i'm super smoothyly segueing to talking about our movie club

psyslime: im just as much a movie buff as a TV geek. im probably watching as much TV as I am because ive watched so many movies already.
psyslime: movies about chess are doing it for me lately. searching for bobby fischer and fresh are my two favorites.
psyslime: and jackie chan. lots of jackie chan.


notsleeping: so this here is a statement not a question-- but we run a movie club for like idk movies people might have missed or whatever that are good on saturdays in the discord. how much fun has that been so far?

psyslime: movie club is the best! its been great to gather with other people who love movies as much as me and geek out on sharing different things

notsleeping: followup question whats been your favorite movie we've watched so far

psyslime: hands down it is FREAKED. that is such a wild movie and i had never even heard of it before.
psyslime: that needs to run once a month at movie club just so it can be seen.


notsleeping: so we're both getting kinda older, and have been in the underground scene for a while now, and so i know you've probably had a chance to see a lot of your peers over the years and kinda the difference some types of behaviors make in the long run.
to get to my question-- now that you've got some insight on things a little bit, what would you say are some tips you've picked up here. i'm really looking for stuff like "being sure to take breaks" and "remembering that early 'success' isn't important" (i wanted to steal a couple of good ones to make it harder sorry :))

psyslime: im not sure im the best guy to be giving any tips on behavior haha, but what ive learned is to let shit go, not take it personally. worry about what you can control and anything thats out of your control, dont force it.
psyslime: i also set my own definitions for "SUCCESS" and dont let anyone else define that for me, or compare myself to anyone else.


notsleeping: i think you've seen like me, how sometimes the success people finds in their 20s isn't really the full measure of someone's career, and that a lot of times young artists or creators who don't "break it" during their 20s get discouraged and give up, where as most of the people that finally break during the career years (the 30s+) really got to that place because they just kept going in their 20s.
notsleeping: idk if i made sense here but this is what i was thinking about.

psyslime: yeah! its a big picture thing. if you were hoping to get big off 1 record or something and were dissapointed when it didnt happen, then maybe this isnt for you.
even as a hobby, it takes alot of repetition and dedication to gain an audience and develop a unique sound/style.
psyslime: anyone you see getting some shine now either worked their asses off for years to get there, or are industry plants who didnt do shit to get there.

notsleeping: alright so back to music and gear and stuff. what types of software/hardware do you like to use most?

psyslime: ive always used some kind of combo of acid, sound forge, modplug tracker, and fl studio
psyslime: now ive really tried to shift to a hardware based approach, so i have a elektron model:samples, yamaha su-10, behringer crave, korg kaoss pad 3, and akai mpk
psyslime: lots of my lofi stuff like shelter dog gets recorded into a Tascam 4-track cassette.

notsleeping: take a wild guess: how many tracks have you made in your lifetime?

psyslime: at least 500, maybe as many as 800? who knows though

notsleeping: are you the type that is real meticulous with your tunes or do you like to like record off the cuff? where are you at on the sequence/improv style jams?

psyslime: off the cuff for the most part, ill spend a week or so adding and ironing out a song but not much more than that.
psyslime: right now how im recording is making a skeleton track on the sampler, then recording that to the computer and adding in different layers of synth and noise and bass.
psyslime: sometimes ill get stuck with writing lyrics for something, that might take a bit longer, but i try not to force it, and let it come naturally.


notsleeping: performer question : when you play live, how much freedom to dance do you have. i mean, not like how much DO you dance, but like .. COULD you dance on stage

psyslime: i have only played a handful of times and never as a vocalist, just standing behind a laptop so im pretty stationary.
psyslime: i dont think i could *dance* on stage, mainly cuz my stuff is not very dance-y... but no i might fall over in my old age

notsleeping: so whats it like to live in a post-breakcore-scene-drama world? i'm enjoying it myself.

psyslime: i tried my best to not get in the middle of any drama that wasnt directly my fault haha.
psyslime: the goal these days is community and growth, not any kind of virtual pissing contest.
psyslime: so the group that we have in orbit around headless blood idol has been really supportive and encouraging.

notsleeping: so is it even possible to guess how many shows you've performed or are you more of

psyslime: maybe half a dozen? most of my early stuff was all software based and not really set up to be a live thing.
psyslime: that plus crippling stage fright and social anxiety did the trick.

notsleeping: so you had some super rad visuals in your set, how long have you been making videos for your music? have you performed many digital shows?

psyslime: thank you! i have been making videos i guess 15 or 16 years, i did a collection of videos for sickmode artists in 2004 called "everything we do is illegal"
which is about 40 minutes long. then another collection in 2008 called "secret fires" that was 50 minutes i think.
psyslime: now ive done several video singles for psychic slime and have more on the way!

psyslime: HBI show #1 was my first virtual show / showcase of any visual stuff ive done.

notsleeping: how do psychic slimes interact with other life on earth? can slimes grow plants and stuff like that?

psyslime: i communicate with other life forms by way of full body chakra vibrations.
and yes i talk to my plants too.

notsleeping: so how close to your old breakcore roots? both like this project and like life in general?

psyslime: pretty close i would guess... ive always had a kind of hip hop / breakcore balance going in my work, and with psychic slime i didnt want to be known as a "rapper" or anything, so ive tried to push the boundaries of my sound to weird places so it didnt come off sounding like generic trap or whatever.

notsleeping: and finally because this might be getting kinda outta hand length-wise:
what are you hyped about in life right now?

psyslime: im hyped on summer, going for walks with my dogs, getting to hang out with my family again.
psyslime: also pretty excited for this show on APRIL 24th that we got going! ive put in some cool work on the visual side for this one.

we've still got PART 2 of the PSYCHIC SLIME interview coming! watch this space and we will attach the interview here once the shadowy figures are off my trail long enough




Psychic Slime interviewed by Magenta Skull
for HEADLESS BLOOD IDOL ~ 4/11/2021